it me, experiencing technical difficulties

I had a few bits of tech and techniques that didn’t quite work out for me during this project. but it’s all a learning experience so I’m not that fussed.

The first one I found when I loaded all my footage and watched through it. I noticed that I’d developed a tendency to be quite trigger happy on the record button. My shots were really abrupt and cut way too short. I could see myself getting into position, holding the camera still for 1…2…3 and then a cut. Some really good shots were totally useless because it would just be too much movement.

This combined with my over fidgeting with the settings. There’s a shot of a car window towards the end of my video where I visibly change the exposure while recording and change it back. Very unprofessional.

Another little problem I made was NOT checking what equipment i was given! It was only after I filmed that I found out I was given a lapel mic!
I am suffering through that one, as I have tu use audition to try and cut the low wind frequency. Which isn’t working as shown below. My interviewee’s voice is very low and dips into the wind frequency. When I cut the sound it makes his voice sound poorly recorded.


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