Reading week 3: David Gauntlett

This week’s reading discussed David Gauntlet’s twin peaks of media studies. The two main areas of study that media students need to discuss, one positive and one negative . This included peak 1; the surveillance and capitalist profits being made from modern media. This means privacy policies, unwarranted filming such as drones or street surveillance, social media as a means of gaining metatags to capitalise on advertising and so on.

However, these negatives are counterbalanced by the optimistic notion that this generation of media makers are given the means to create in a way never seen before. To defy the capitalist drive to turn art into revenue, we must put our minds to create altruistically, for the sake of sharing in it’s more purest form. The pre-Zuckerberg form of sharing; where we collectively create something to give to the world, and the world receives. Facebook sharing is rather one-sided in this sense, giving with no return.


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