Counting Media in Melbourne Central

I was assigned to find different types of media around Melbourne Central. Media has such a broad and vague meaning but ultimately my understanding is that media is a way of communication. Whether it’s through storytelling in a visual or auditory sense, or if its simply to display for aesthetics, or the overwhelming advertising in Melbourne Central I consider to be legitimate forms of media. These are some examples I found.


I think this is the most obvious form of media we came across. A giant suspended screen showing todays headlines not only communicates us with broadcast media, but shows graphic advertisings.


Melbourne Central advertising their own social media platforms, encouraging visitors to tag, like and subscribe to their accounts. This gives an outlet for photo sharing, online feedback and sharing experiences within the destination.


Here’s a poster promoting MS MR’s upcoming Australian Tour, which has no direct correlation to Melbourne Central however we see band posters plastering columns. Either this is for the aesthetic quality, or it might be advertising space, which I suspect because I once got yelled at for taking a First Aid Kit poster from here.

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