PB #3 Update (day one failure)


So after dialling 16 different phone numbers and having no one being interested in interviewing with me, I may have to start thinking about plan B. I know you all want me to be successful so bad, but everything doesn’t work out all the time….. However, theres still hope! An anonymous blogger, from this very course tagged me in a Facebook post. https://www.pedestrian.tv/news/arts-and-culture/call-46-771-793-336-to-talk-with-a-random-swede-ri/92494d3c-a2bb-412c-80b7-cae0d553f9a1.htm That is a link to what could possibly be a saviour to me. So what I believe is happening here is, a couple of Swiss dudes were like “Hey Åke, wanna make a hotline for the whole of Sweden?” said Edvard. “Yeah man, we could create an app or something and get people to sign up!” replied Åke. So that’s basically how it went down and now 3000 Swedes have subscribed to the app and anyone can “ring a random Swede!” My phone bill may be a bit hefty this month, but its all in the name of media.

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