
Social Media In(ternet)ceptionepicadventure_logo

The dream is real – Careers in Social Media.

A Seminar held a seminar at RMIT about social media in the media industry. We were able to give insight as to how social media plays such a significant role with businesses, individuals and non-for profit organisations or causes. We presented the audience with techniques to use on the different online platforms and ways to enhance themselves in their future job roles or perhaps with their own individual projects. The key concepts discussed were exposure, publicity and being able to create a designed identity that the public can view. Our first speaker Nick Pearce was able to communicate to the crowd about his organisation HoMie. Nick provided the audience with an innovative look into how social media is used to benefit his organisation. In this instance his organisation was a charity group for the homeless people of Melbourne. He said how social media enabled them to reach a wider audience, people that may have not been thinking about the issue previously. People could view pictures and were able to get a chance to humanize these individuals and pay attention to something they wouldn’t have in the past. With these interesting posts HoMie were able to successfully reach many users on Instagram, which in turn was able to create new funding opportunities for HoMie like their sponsorship by clothing label Stussy. Our second speaker Sophie Draper was the community manager from Uber driving services, she provided audience with a better idea of what it would be like working in a social media position for a company. She let everyone know what kind of jobs existed and how they actually operated, what she did in her job on a day-to-day basis. She also explained some of the responsibilities of being in charge of a company’s online presence, her roles focused mainly around using Twitter. How it can be a fragile position, explaining tweets that’s hadn’t gone well in the past and how work can intertwine with her personal life. She explained the many cross overs there are with marketing and digital media roles and also gave the audience some motivation to go for roles they believe they might not get. Our Third and final speaker Sarah Stone provided a more individual and unique idea about social media, the YouTube sensation was able to show the audience how far social media can take you alone, what you can do to keep that popularity soaring on social media and what opportunities in the work force can open up.


The Team


Ned Dorman: Presenter, script

Imogen Hanrahan: Technical support, pre-production

Matthew Jane: Script, liaison with guests

Stephanie Larkin: Catering, questions

Tom Lewis: Poster design & media content

Rebecca Mylonas: Group Leader, questions & written summaries

Kate Whiting: Pre-production, runner on the day

Bryan Tze Yan Loh: Technical and video promos

Anh Quynh Tran Vu: Tech and video promos

Abd Azim Lutfi Lufti Iskandar Zulkarnain: Sound on the day, Instagram

Heng Weng Lim: Technical and video promos

Yuxin Li: Technical and video promos

Torika Taylor: Catering, running on the day

Edward Wong: Technical and video promos


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