A New Hope


A Film Industry Seminar

Some time in the very near future,

In an industry close, close by…

It is a turbulent time for media students.  Faced with the ever looming end of their university course, there is much uncertainty and doubt amongst the cohort about what path they must choose.

The world of film can be dangerous and intimidating, and many are not sure what they must do to survive and gain a foothold in an industry such as this.  In the current era, there are many ways forward, but they may not seem all that clear to a fresh-faced graduate.

In a desperate bid for answers, one student has sought out THREE EXPERTS, who may hold the knowledge and wisdom that is needed to pursue a career in film…

A seminar about the film industry, our “Epic Journey” presentation adopted the theme of Star Wars, with an emphasis on finding your place in an ever changing galaxy.  Like Luke Skywalker before us, who grew up as a humble farm boy, before deciding to flee his home planet and fight the Empire, eventually becoming trained in the ancient art of the Jedi, our seminar attempted to encourage and reassure that beginning a career in one place and moving on to another at a later time was not uncommon and often beneficial in gaining a broad array of skills and experience in the Film Industry.

The seminar’s instructions came from Film Masters Clayton Jacobson, Alicia Gleeson and Julian Lucas, who each providedus Apprentices with their own unique and expert opinions, and imparted us with their knowledge of the [work] force.


The Team


James Nice: Guest Contact, Catering, Floating Mic

Jim Muntisov: Host, Seminar Plan/Structure, Research

Natalie Milidoni: Social Media

Dominic Bui: Promo Video, Graphics, Assistant Director, Highlight Video

Henry Heng: Poster, Graphics, Highlight Video

William Ho: Graphics, Camera Op, Technical

Koston Wong: Graphics, Camera Op, Technical

Jackie Matthews: Seminar Plan/Structure, Research, Timekeeper

Caley Jowers: Social Media, Catering, Social Media, Social Media

Krystal Chow Wing Kam: Staging/Decorations, Highlight Video

Tan Chai: Promo Video, Still Photography, Technical, Highlight Video

Georgina Michael: Catering, Research, Promo Video

Linh Lu: Poster, Graphics

Chris Connors: Promo Video, Technical




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