Potts & Murphie

This is concept that has already been discussed in my comms class in the reading “Communications, Technologies and Social Institutions” by Raymond Williams. What struck me about this new reading however, was Brian Eno’s suggestion that culture can be defined as “everything we do not have to do”:

“We have to eat, but we do not have “cuisines”…”We have to cover ourselves against the weather, but we do not have to be so concerned as we are about whether we put on Levi’s or Yves Saint-Laurent””

Where a book is a technology, the technique would be reading, but what would the culture be? Weather we read the newspaper, or a comic book, or Jane Austen?

Where “technology” refers to the study of craft, it suggests that technology does not strictly refer to anything electronic, as it is understood to be in society. It would refer to the anything made by man. A “craft”, so something that is designed, or made, right?



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