This is a Blog

of a media student

IM Participation Contract

What did I do well? Throughout this semester, I believe I have maintained a fairly consistent standard of work. Some elements of this which I believe I have done well would have to surround the participation contract. I am pleased with my ‘housekeeping’ and content management surrounding my blog – including tags and categories on…

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Week 11 Reading..

This weeks reading was (in my opinion) not an enjoyable one, so I’ll highlight some of the interesting points I came across…. Adrian provided us with a bit of backstory: “This essay is from the same journal issue as the very first reading from Aston and Gaudenzi. This journal appeared in 2012 and is one of the…

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Blog Stalk Week 11

So this week I had the pleasure of Stalking Ed’s blog, “The Blog Hole”. While Ed’s got a number of different interesting posts o a range of subjects, it was his review of The Lego Movie that caught my eye. I have to admit that I was one of those people who assumed that they…

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Week 11 reflection / problems

So this week I think i’m going to talk about conclusions. Weird huh? Well, not really. I noted in my lecture post from this week about our discussion of conclusions, and how it was  questioned why we were so obsessed with conclusions – why we thought they added to the quality of the work. Sometimes…

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Week Eleven Lecture

Notes from this mornings Lecture… Q1: Does the design of the interface force the users attention to follow certain lines of focus as opposed to others? Yes Dependant on how you define your interface People who write in this media don’t make new media so they often write strange things People who write on new…

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Week 10 Blog Stalk

So this weeks Blog Stalk is really a platform for inspiring some random thoughts. On my usual creep around of the Blogs this week, I came to Jim’s post about marketing and campaigning films, in which he talked about The Amazing Spiderman 2’s trailer. For anyone who hasn’t seen it, there it is ^. So…

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Film/TV1 Reflection5, Question 3

Blow Up is a 1966 film directed by Michelangelo Antonioni. In this scene note the choreography of the actors, camera, frame and focus. As covered in the lecture describe the things Antonioni would have have to consider when directing the actors and the camera. This scene, while perhaps appearing straight forward, would have been a time consuming…

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Week 10 Reflections / Problems.

This week, we’ve continued working on our major K-Film, which will be taking place at Luna Park. We’ve hit a few bumps already – mainly surrounding the fact we are using a certain location and particular participants. The first hump – Luna Park is only open on the weekends… (which also narrows it down again…

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Film/TV1 – Reflection 5, Question 2

Select from one of the readings from week 5, 6 or 7 and describe two points that you have taken from it. Points that excite you, something that was completely new to you. The reading I’m going to be discussing come from week five. The camera (extract), Image control (extract). In Mollison, M. Producing videos,…

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Film/TV1 – Reflection 5, Question 1.

 Lecture 7 Lighting: What was covered? Do you think the content is relevant to your project? And why? Week 7’s lecture covered lighting, which unfortunately I was unable to attend (but did get to go to the class later on that day, and discuss the lecture with friends). From what I have discovered through classmates and…

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