Film/TV 2 – A&R5 – Question Two
My goals at the beginning of the semester:
“My goals and desires for this semester do not differ greatly from those of last semester (as I was seemingly unsuccesfull in achieving them).
Through the completion of this semester, I would hope to improve my technical abilities in regards to camera and audio use and in turn have my confidence boosted in the subject and said areas.
Non-fiction work is something that I have not looked deeply into, or have given dramatic attention too, having always been persuaded by the art of fiction. Hopefully, this semester will open me up to a new world – how to think, write and communicate ideas and meaning through and for documentary.
I would also like the completion of this semester to assist me in developing a clearer outline for career goals – what I would like to do post my university career. Whether this be a career in film – or not – as long as I am able to establish a sense of direction, I would feel as though this course will have been a success.”
Review constructively what you got from this semester – has the course lived up to your expectations, delivered what you expected, maybe even surpassed it?
In relation to the goals I set myself at the beginning of the semester, I have fufilled probably half of what I set myself. In a way, I have achieved a new way of looking at film – through the non-fiction eye as opossed to the ways of fiction work. However, in relation to audio and camera use, I have not fully achieved the goals I set myself. This is largely due to using alternative equiptment to that offered in class. The equipment we used throughout the making of our documentary is one that I felt more compfortable using, and was more efficient for the restraints placed upon us throughout filming.
However, through the completion of the semester, I have established one of my goals I set for myself. In relation to my post university career, I believe this course has helped me establish what I would like to do and what I wouldn’t like to do in the industry. In that regard, I feel as though I have found success through completing this course. There are some aspects in which I found myself enjoying, and even surprising me. I definitely enjoyed working in a documentary environment over a fictional based film environment. In the interviews, I enjoyed working without a solid script, while I also found listening to the stories people had to offer and simply dealing with ‘real-life’ people, was something that was fascinating and delightful. This was an aspect the surprised me, as I have always found I have been drawn to fictional works.