Spreading the Word to the World – Powerfully and Efficiently

emmaOn the weekend Emma Watson went above and beyond her years, standing up in front of hundreds of global ambassadors, spokespeople and representers as she gave her first speech as the newly appointed UN Women Goodwill Ambassador. Despite fighting back a trembling voice, Emma Watson put her celebrity status to remarkable use as she delivered an exceptional speech on feminism, showing the world the real woman behind the former Hermoine Granger. Receiving not only a deafening standing ovation at the UN Headquarters but the words of Emma Watson has now resulted in tremendous outpour of online recognition and support from both male and females of all ages.

Naturally, an event such as a UN convention is by no means an event for the general public. However, it is thanks to the interconnected and interlinked system of the internet that has allowed millions of people worldwide to watch the speech only moments after it took place and has enabled the global spread of the empowerment and inspiration that was undoubtledly experienced  by all those who attended. Watching the video myself as soon as I saw it come up on my newsfeed, I certainly believe the intercommunication that internet has now granted us is something many people of my generation take for granted. If it weren’t for the internet, the ability to be apart of once isolated events would not be something we are able to experience on a daily basis.

Please watch this video and appreciate the ways in which spreading female empowerment will change our world into a better place .

Click here for the link to the UN Womens webpage for further information.

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