in Readings

the reason why

So why, i and any other random person reading this asks, am i writing this blog. Personally, if i were to choose anything to blog about it probably wouldn’t be my learning journey regarding networked media. I would blog about something super cool like ‘Melbourne Street Style’ or whatever else is trending at the moment on the web. Probably.

But it is a requirement of my course to keep this blog and the first reading assigned explained why and how this blog will enhance my learning and growth as an RMIT media student.

The reading is called ‘Blogs in Media Education’ and written by Adrian Miles who i think might actually be my lecturer….

The article pretty much explains a multitude of reasons why this practise is important:

1. Just like anything, successful blogging takes practise and this exercise will provide us with the experience necessary to launch us into the media world ready to go as blogging super-stars

2. By integrating blogging as a core aspect into our curriculum, the teachers are able to communicate the true importance of it to us – because students will often assume, if its so important why aren’t we doing it? And therefore don’t take it as seriously

3. Another obvious reason is for reflective purposes and to further promote in our minds what we have been learning in class and in our symposiums so that it sticks.

4. The publicness of a blog means that care must be taken when writing it, forcing us to put more thought into it than say a homework task that will only be read by our teachers and then mostly likely end up in a trash can.

5. Our ability to use the technology competently like changing themes and adding photos etc. is important experience that could be harder to acquire outside of the learning environment of university.

There are a whole lot more intricate reasons I’m not going to go into but there is a bit more context into what is going on here for not only my own purposes but hopefully whoever else is reading this also.