Self Portrait

While my first picture in my ‘self portrait’ may just be an image of my room, it probably summarises my life best. Unorganised.


My next image is one of a runner, because I never sit still. That also isn’t to say I never stop exercising (its rare I ever start). I just don’t like being bored. Ever.


My next image is of course food, but fruit in particular. One time I ate an entire basket of plumbs in one night. That was a good Friday night.


My last image is one I took from my front verandah. I live in Eltham all the way out in the Green Wedge, out in the sticks.


My first video is of my dog Rusty. I like to think he is me in dog form.


Fun fact: I won Worst Morning Person on year 12 retreat


I also like to warn people of my imminent arrival. Similar to cats, I too like to wear bells

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And finally, on those rare occasions that I do sit down, you will hear me tap tap tapping away!

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