At the beginning of this week’s class, we talked about assignment 2 ‘Mimesis Project’ which is about intimate photographer and Brian showed us some amazing examples in class. These examples help me to get more details about this project.
Chasing the light-why and how does it matter?
Then we discussed reading ‘Light and the Aesthetics of Abandonment: HDR IMaging and the Illumination of Ruins’ by Alyssa Kushinski (2016). This reading is really meaningful to talk about the lights and lighting in photography. Lighting is an important factor in photography. For photography, light has a great effect and influence, mainly reflected in the following aspects: First, light can meet the basic illumination requirements of photography. Second, it can show the structure and color of objects as well as the specific location of objects. In photography art, if you want to present a perfect photographic work, the use of light is indispensable, the proper use of light can achieve the artistic modelling of the picture pursued in photography. Light is the medium through which information travels between continents within the thousands of miles of fibre optic cables beneath the surface of the earth, but it is also the medium through which visual information is transmitted from right before our very eyes into our bodies.(Kushinski, 2016)
By distorting pictures and abandoned tonal range, it will usually get visually exciting shock, present a totally different from we can see every day the chaos of the reality in a contemporary image, this sense of shock is usually done by distorted pictures tonal range through tonal mapping is shown with a high dynamic range of optical image.
I had tried to shoot HDR images with my phone before. The reading inspired me to try with a camera. HDR images look incredible in colours, texture because they increase the amount of detail in shadows and highlights.
I went to see the dentist so I missed the class in the afternoon. When I went back I checked my classmates’ work, the lighting exercise, and I got some useful lighting information from them.
About this project, I am considering that I don’t have lighting equipment at home but I already asked my friend to be my model which is a good process. I intend to imitate Albinsjodin or Arnaud Montagard from Instagram. Portraits are very interesting to me. Considering the editing and some production work. There is a lot to do for this project.
Kushinski, A., 2016. Light and the Aesthetics of Abandonment: HDR Imaging and the Illumination of Ruins, Transformations (28). (online) Available at: <>