Mimesis Project Reflection
In this ‘Mimesis’ photography project, I chose a photographer I am interested in from Instagram named Albinsjodin. His work is always cinematic, with dark tones and a shimmer that highlights the subject. Each photo is telling a story, expressed through light and emotion. He never mind put the subject in the dark or supposes to say the dark is an essential part of his work.I n order to show the level of the photos, there must be bright and dark, light and shadow, then there must be dark part in the picture, If not handled properly, the picture will often become relatively flat without layering sense, or make the picture look unclean. Albinsjodin is really talented in adjusting the lights and expressing his feelings to tell a story from the photograph. I also want my photograph to demonstrate something, through the lights and emotional expression. I don’t want to focus on his specific work and duplicate them. What I did is to get the information from his work, imitate his style and learn about his skill and his way to tell a story.
Albinsjodin 2020, untitiled
Chloe, Z,.2020
I used the shutter in my apartment to create the back light and it was a rainy afternoon at around 5 o’clock where the natural sunlight is kind of grey. As Albinsjodin, I put my model in dark and lower f stop to f 4.5 and shutter was 1/800.
I don’t have lighting equipment at home so I used my lamp which could not create the atmosphere that dedolight may achieve and in this photo, the light was scattered. I am not happy with that but I will figure it out next time.
Edited these photos with Lightingroom, I focus to edit with the highlight, shadow and brightness. Adjust the tonal curve to achieve the different level of the lights in the photographs.
From this project, I tried to imitate my favourite photographer and do some practice focusing on his work and learning to take photos according to their ideas. I learned some basic knowledge and skills about photography and still need to do a lot of experiments in controlled lighting. To be more creative, jump out of the comfort zone and take in more knowledge of artworks from well-known photographers.
Albinsjobin, 2020, Instagram photos, available on