#3 ASSIGNMENT: To Do List 

  • Change everything that says Righteousness to Righteous  
  • At 15 seconds, remove the shot (Abi’s shot) 
  • Add typing sounds over title sequence 
  • Motion stabilize the opening 
  • When title fades out, change music to atmosphere 
  • Change the cut to RMIT (too abrupt)  
  • Establishing shot of Bowan street 


For the setup of the experiment:  

  • Table, Abi, explained,  
  • Super cut of their reactions 


  • Download final animations in high quality (done) 
  • Clean transitions – L and J cuts  
  • Add music and sound effects to empty spaces. 
  • Clean up vocal transitions of Megs interviews.  
  • Cut number of animations during dopamine section (done) 
  • Cut text on Johnathan Haidt clip and Press Secretary scene (done) 
  • Shoot ‘fight’ scene – to add at 5.30minute as linking footage  
  • Shoot interview intro shot of two pieces of information: typewriter text over top explaining experiment 
  • Shoot RMIT hallway – intro to Meg office 
  • Shoot scrolling phone scenes to reduce reuse of shots.  
  • Delete participants introductions and change to silent shots of their faces (as an introduction)  
  • Add title for Meg upon introduction 
  • Add above shots into their blank spaces.  
  • Clean all black and white filters.  
  • Colour correction.  
  • Fix up Sound design.  
  • Finish on Chi, lights turn off and then cut to Meg 
  • Add in credits and attributions.