Week 9 has been a foundational week for the birth of our concept. We came up with this idea based on our first assignment together, in which we filmed a short where I was speaking backwards and we reversed the footage in an attempt to have what I was saying backwards come out normally. It did not work. We then wanted to create a short film where the ending was at the start, and the whole film played out to be a circle, which did not come to fruition unfortunately. So, we had been working with the backwards theme quite heavily leading up to this assignment, and we decided to develop a film that had the performance acted out backwards and the footage reversed, so that dialogue was not necessary, nor a hindrance.

A Proof of Concept to make this make sense:

We then had a look at some inspiration to see how the theme/content would come across or could be portrayed in a film format:

a. The Worst Person In The World 

  • Shows how the main character is performing differently/on a different plane than the other characters but it is accepted as normal by that main character, i.e. she doesn’t pay much attention to it and it isn’t a genre thing (sci-fi, fiction, etc.)

b. Twin Peaks – Red Room

  • A kind suggestion by Kiralee, the scene was acted out backwards and reversed. A bit more subtle than what we are going to be attempting but the concept is there and it does look odd in effect.

We then worked on assembling our pitch, conceptualising locations, characters and scenes. Which led us to picking my friend’s house in Brunswick to host a fake party at, given its accessibility and aesthetic. 

We then set a date for filming and sent out invitations for our filming party! Yay!

I found that, because the concept of this film is hard to understand, creating a Pitch and acquiring all the relevant documents made it easier for me to conceptualise the concept of the film and how it would function at its length, and ideally this will be the same for the class. As I’ve never pitched before, nor created a short film, I’ve found this process to be very helpful in adapting and fleshing out an idea, also as an outlet to receive feedback from others and to collate all of our information in one place. Pitching is definitely something I would like to continue to do during my degree, as well as for my own creative projects, as I found it easy to do and yet it yielded great rewards. 


Greg The Egg (2022) ‘The Worst Person In The World | World At Still’, Greg The Egg, Youtube website, accessed September 20 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyT2jpyu3VY 

Neverifigor (2011) ‘Twin Peaks – Red Room’, Neverifigor, Youtube website, accessed 20 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3IrMM0jc9M