In the editing booth


On Thursday last week, we finalised our second shoot. We shot all of the footage to form our intro and fill story gaps of scenes we missed shooting the night of the party. This shoot went smoother, given it was only Jaime acting and we had more leeway to play around with ideas and shot types. Additionally, if we had creative differences, we were able to shoot the scene twice and decide in post what looked better, so overall this shoot was simpler than our first shoot. Post the shoot, and into Week 11, I’ve been working on the editing of the film. My aim is to have a rough cut done by Tuesday week 12 to show Jaden and Joey, and we have booked an edit suite to finalise some elements of the film I was unsure about, and to generally get their feedback. I really like the editing process, it is something I have taken to prior to this degree. As this is my first studio I feel I am still adjusting to Premiere Pro as a program, and this larger task has really helped to advance my skills and knowledge. However, it has had gross effects on my laptop and I do not enjoy rendering 45 minutes of footage… I have found, being the sole one editing for the most part without any input, I’ve been able to make a lot of creative decisions, which I feel, for a collaborative film, should probably been made as a group. I don’t think the edit will be an issue, but this is why I want a rough cut done by Tuesday, so that Joey and Jaden’s ideas can be adapted too and the film can be altered, making the final cut inclusive of everyone’s ideas.

Short Film  

How Do Geese See God? has come to look reminds me of a short film my friend once made, as there’s similar content, visual styles, techniques and audio. I wonder if this has been a subconscious inspiration for me in the process of making Do Geese See God. He hadn’t uploaded it anywhere – I uploaded it as Unlisted for the purpose of this blog post – so it’s hard to reference, but for the purpose of credit:

‘Unnamed’ by Olivier Martin (2020).


Adobe (n.d.) How to crop a video in Premiere Pro, Premiere Pro website, accessed 7 October 2023. 

Oliver Martin (4 September 2020) ‘Unnamed’, Personal Communications.