Creative Collaboration

As this is my first short film I found having a group to work alongside allowed me to learn new skills and hold positions I wouldn’t As this is my first short film I found having a group to work alongside allowed me to learn new skills and hold positions I wouldn’t have been confident doing on my own. Collaboration created a culture in Media 2, and not just within our group of three for the assignment, but also within the wider media degree and friends across differing studios. I found a lot of guidance and help in these people, as they supported all our ideas and helped out on shoot as extras and characters. However, a challenge I’ve found in this networking is how I compare my creations and processes to that of others, but fundamentally these relations have enabled me rather than hindered me, and for that I am grateful. In the smaller scheme, I think working in a group to make a film has its negatives; creative differences, differing levels of control, differing timetables, etc, but for a beginner I think it was necessary and I felt I learnt a lot, whilst making friends. As Jaden and Joey are both second year I also gained a lot of general practical skills, mainly regarding equipment, that would’ve obstructed my filmmaking processes had I not been working with them. I would like to eventually create a film on my own, to be able to change and style everything the way I want it to be, but I will only be able to get to that level through collaboration and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Some pointers for next time on creative collaboration:

1. Ownership

2. Dependability

3. Trust

4. Structure

5. A Shared Vision

6. Fun (got dis down pat)

7. Candor


John Spencer (2017) ‘The 7 Keys to Creative Collaboration’

, John Spencer, YouTube website, accessed 30 September 2023.

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