How to get uncomfortable?

Over the course of this weeks tutorials, and through the reading, we’ve focused on learning the rules of scriptwriting and analysing film form (formal expectations, conventions and experience, form and feeling, and form and meaning). This knowledge is intended to help us when it comes to making content, being that knowing the rules is the pathway to being able to break them. I do feel a bit creatively bound by these conventions though. Having had explored them so thoroughly in Cinema Studies, as well as a general lack of ideas and inspiration when it comes to creating fictional videos, I am having a hard time conceptualising content. And even when I do come up with ideas, the size of the project seems unattainable and I find I am lacking an achievable mindset; that is, an acceptance that whatever I make will not be a creative, award winning, life changing masterpiece, screened in Cinema Nova for masses*. C’est la vie.

On another note, ideas for assignment 3 & 4;

  • Short film begins with stagnant dialogue scene, maybe a dinner scene? ROmantic candles
      • get into argument, normal just talk
      • some short of climax
      • that resolves to a silent or orchestra track sequence of photos
        • maybe film photos
        • colour? b & w?
        • shows progression of argument
        • difference in setting, position
        • cuts in time???
      • dunnnnno how it ends or what the photos depict
  •  film backwards
    • (someone falls down stairs at end of film but thats beginning of dream sequence)
    • some sort of dream sequence, argument
    • dream sequence ends with person at bottom of stairs
    • and then shot of falling down stairs: in different colour?
  • day in the life literally, no soundtrack, nothing special
    • linear day
    • emphasising points of anxiety
      • showing fidgeting
      • through loud breahting, shaking
    • never really show narrator, solely pov
    • until bathroom scene look in mirror and try to calm down in social setting

* Yet (humble beginnings).

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