Making Sense of Social Media Assignment 2, Blog Post 4

Initially when I started this assignment I tried to answer the question “Can I make a ‘news’ show that is more inline with how we receive it whilst also being funny and entertaining?” I think overall the answer is yes, I can. I really did enjoy this assignment as it was very enjoyable but also beneficial as it gives me something to do in quarantine, makes me read the news and scratches my performance itch that I would usually get from open mic comedy.  Overall the response has been very positive which is a motivating factor to continue this for my own personal satisfaction. However, in future videos I would like to explore the relationship between how we are delivered news vs how it is received by experimenting with set and action. For example doing it whilst on a bean bag and being very informal, or maybe standing up and moving around almost like a performance. The current set up  of sitting in front of a desk is a good start but I feel it can be improved upon and will lift the rest of the show like performance.

Additionally, A quicker production turn around would greatly benefit the show. In terms of editing I would like to scale it back a bit as majority of the images used don’t rally add anything, they just kind of mirror what I say and are almost redundant. Also it can take quite a while to make a single video (from start to finish about three days) which goes against the nature of both comedy and news, they have a shelf life. A musician can sing the one song their entire career and audiences will still pay money to see them. Where as if a comedian says the one joke their entire career they won’t sell shows or get any work. In terms of this, a joke about a current event won’t be funny if the event isn’t topical, and an event isn’t news worthy if it isn’t recent. Also the intro and outro are things I would like to improve and maybe experiment with other filmmaking techniques for these.

In conclusion I believe I answered the question ‘can I make a ‘news’ show that is more inline with how we receive it whilst also being funny and entertaining?’ successfully. I think I can make a funny satirical news show whilst also being entertaining and somewhat informative, which is something I plan to keep on doing, well at least until quarantine is over.

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