Making Sense of Social Media Assignment 2, Blog Post 2

Last blog post I came up with the question that I’m going to try and answer in this assignment. “Can I make a ‘news’ show that is more inline with how we receive it whilst also being funny and entertaining?” The answer after one video is, kind of. Well I guess technically yes but let me explain.

Truthfully speaking, I didn’t like how the video turned out. During filming I thought it would turn out quite well as I liked the jokes I wrote. However, the sitting down and not having an audience felt very unnatural coming from a stand up comedy background. I felt that without an audience to feed off I was very awkward with my delivery as I had awkward long pauses filled with silence after every punchline. Additionally, without an audience I don’t really know whether a joke is funny or not until after I publish it. However due to the current situation this is something I am going to have to get used to. Although I wasn’t too pleased with how it turned out the feedback I got was surprisingly positive however some did agree it did feel a bit unnatural and a forced performance which could be something I play with in future videos. Initially I was going to release this on my personal social media pages, but after watching the finished product I decided against that. Then I got some feedback and was told that I should in fact upload it to my personal social media pages as they thoroughly enjoyed and found it entertaining. On my social media pages it has been very well received with more likes and views than I was anticipating.

A social media strategy that I used to engage my audience is to post across all social media sites to alert them of the video on YouTube. For instance, posting a small clip from the video on Facebook and Instagram with a link to the full video on YouTube to intrigue viewers whilst also entertaining them. Additionally I will post in the morning as Sensis data suggests that is the most active time for social media by users in my target demographic of 18-29 year olds, however this video was posted at 10:30pm as initially I wasn’t planning no posting it publicly.


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