Rough Cut Edit

So four hours in the editing suites and the rough cut is done. We had a massive issue with the audio and foley we recorded for the project, some weird humming sound was coming through so we have had to put this through with just the audio from the camera. Joel did a fantastic job putting together his intended transitions that Willa and I replicated to the best of our ability. We realised that we have to reshoot a few things such as the blood in the sink and we still haven’t put in the stop motion footage but the rough cut at least gives a good overview of where we are going with our film. the continuity was a bit of an issue but not obvious which is ok. I’m getting a little annoyed at some of the shots where scripts and cords can be seen which could have been easily avoided if we had looked at the footage but during filming i think we were just a little rushed to get things done as quickly as possible. there are still a few issues surrounding the dining room and living room scenes as the dialogue can’t really be played with properly until we get the audio fixed up (which is not my strong suit, i’m very visual and struggle to concentrate on sound bites).  I’m still not entirely sure where we are going for the living room scenes in regards to the dialogue and the reversal patterns so we have left that for now.

Working on the bathroom scene was probably the longest part of the editing process for the rough cut. Masking and layering the Father appearing in the mirror proved to be difficult as the shots didn’t line up exactly so we had to try and mask around the mirror and crop the shot down to match up. We also struggled to line up Thomas’ actions for him to look down at the sink the back up, each take it was slightly varied so we had to quickly cut it up to make it look like its one shot but we have actually put two takes together to get the correct action. The ending is another part that  was difficult to figure out as I couldn’t find a fade that I liked that didn’t look too cheesy, but by the stage I got to the end, I had been editing for about 4 hours and the others had left so I just needed to get it together to be able to present. The overlay and fade out is so dodgy, but I don’t mind since thats something that I can get feedback for.

The colours are all over the place which will just be an exposure thing, but i’m not bothering to start colour grading until the audio and everything is placed on. I volunteered myself to do the colour grading even though I only really got a crash course during film project 1 from Tash and Izzy but I think I’ll be able to do it especially with how we have lit  the scenes. Overall I’m happy with the rough and how it’s coming together. Now its just about getting that audio and sound design on so we can see what it looks like with all the components before tightening it up. We still have a lot of work to do regarding the edit but its good to see how its progressing.

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