Production Duties

Setting up all these production documents has been quite good for learning experiences. So far in my degree I have only produced a live TV show in the studios so it’s been good to get all the docs together for a location shoot/full short film. i have organised the following into my folder “production files”

– Call sheet for days 1/2/3

– Shooting schedule days 1/2/3

– safety forms

– cast release forms

– location release forms

of course these are just for the shoot itself, throughout our planning Willa and I have been making multiple lists of equipment for the shoot and the intense list of props for the set design.

I’ve been struggling with the shooting schedule as I’m really just guessing how long each scene will take but I’m also waiting on Joel to send through his story board of how he wants the shots to look so we can work out and order of how to shoot it. So far I’ve just arranged it so that we shoot all the scenes with the family first to get the other actors in and out, then also arranging it by no blood and blood as once we get the makeup and fake blood on the actors we lose our continuity. I’ve sent out the shooting schedules to the cast just so they know what scenes we are looking at but have let the know that this may be subject to change depending on our time frame. I’m also aware that we are using someone else’s house and that they have lives as well so we need to be as efficient as possible to make sure we aren’t infringing on their space. I feel like all my docs are ready for the shoot to begin and i’ll be making sure that i’m keeping track of the time and what we have shot in case any amendments need to be made. 


I’m pretty confident in my abilities to be a producer in this sense, i have skills that are easily transferrable but I haven’t had a chance to really try it out. I’m mainly worried about the scale of this project as we have really gone big on our ideas and we will either have to work realllllly hard to make it happen or look at scaling it back to try and get it done without failing on our timelines. The feeling that we need to convey is a feeling of panic and anxiety so the “sensation” that the audience feels is the most important aspect of this film. We have to shoot the film with that in mind so that even if we aren’t able to do every aspect we want on this project we should be able to get the same feeling on a smaller scale.

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