Group Formed!


So luckily Joel, Willa and I have formed a group. I’m pleased with the way their film turned out, Joel has a great eye for cinematography and almost professional grade camera work. Willa’s pitch involving horror films was instantly intriguing to me since she managed to show a lot of my favourite horror films and I’d love to work with her with the practical effects to see what we can do. We didn’t discuss particulars around our project, but rather our expectations of our roles and how we can operate as a group. All of us have had issues regarding our previous groups and we explicitly stated that there would be an expectation of each of us to contribute equally. Joel will be handling the camera work, looking to experiment with his steadicam and tracking shots, Willa will be directing and handling all the practical effects while I will be producing and assisting on the effects and set design. We know it’s going to be a horror but the other parts of the project will be ironed out next time we are in class so that we have a block of time to work together and sort out a structure and jobs that we need to do. Joel has set up a google doc, folder and calendar to get all of our schedules together so that we can start syncing up and sorting out the best days to do what. We want to hit the floor running with this project and start it as early as possible so that we have more time to re-shoot and edit to make this as good as we can. I’m pretty excited to work with these two because I know their expectation level and since they first showed rough cuts of their first film project I know what kind of production that they want from this course. I think we will all work together fairly well in the sense that we all want something to be proud of rather than just passing a class. The only problem we may run into is the fact that semester is coming to an end and we all have other assessments plus work commitments but the calendar should help with the organisation of all that. As the producer, I want to get everything sorted early so we have time to organise the actors and the set but right now, we need to figure out what we are actually filming, where, who and why.  Creating the production documents will be crucial in organising ourselves so that task is left to me.  i’m sure that i can get this organised in a way that is clear and efficient… hopefully.  We need to start casting and location scouting as thats going to be the hardest part of starting this project. 

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