
Being able to view and critique each individuals work is an integral part to the learning process & having your work screened within this process, fosters growth in both the concepts and techniques employed in your work.


…In saying that, coming along to this weeks class & knowing my first piece of media for this subject will be screened to a full class was a daunting feeling.


Viewing everyones work highlighted a few things for me:


  1. The class all seems to have understood the initial concepts of the course and are implementing them into all their works. This resulted in a lot of the videos being somewhat similar in their style.
  2. Everyone notices something different – that is equally important.
  3. Images & words are never fully able to capture an object & only serve as a portrait of an object – Depicting it as well as possible but never quite reflecting it in its entirety.

Coming out of the critiques I was able to get some positive feedback in relation to my own work & also absorb some more interesting concepts from Adrian. I really liked the way Adrian spoke about how the video itself is an object too and to always keep that in mind & how to use the confines and limitations of the camera in our pieces to better the overall artefact. By incorporating these limitations it ultimately serves to deemphasise and draw attention away from the medium and privilege the object itself in a clearer frame.


Having received the feedback and learning these new concepts – If i were to give feedback on my own work, I would focus it on using the camera more effectively and to incorporate greater variation in my work.

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