


This was the day that the mysterious and complex world of Copyright Law was unpacked and the folk law behind it completely unraveled.


Having guest speaker Anne Lennox command the attention of the entire class for 30 minutes is quite impressive in its own right; but to have that underrated attention when talking about copyright law, that’s something completely unheard of.


Anne mannaged to present to complexities behind copyright law in a manner that almost all of the class could easily digest and connect with. By presenting in this way, Anne managed not only to grab the attention of everyone, but to also engage in relevant conversation.


I would like to say that this Lectorial completely diffused any problems with copyright law, however I would be selling you a lie. What this Lectorial did do, however, was to highlight the complexities behind copyright law and enlighten me to the thin line that must be navigated to avoid any form of legal action.


I now fear Copyright Law as much as I fear the rise of Godzilla.


– donandsherri