This next video was shot in slow motion, however, vimeo could not handle the frame rate and therefore converted it back to a standard rate.
(Credit to Matthew Dear, George R.R. Tolkin & Pink Floyd)
The version of ‘me’ that I was attempting to portray to the public revolved around and average Day In The Life.
- NOTHING – this was an adaptation of John Cages – 4’33” . It acts as a depiction of the silence that graces me every morning when I wake.
- COFFEE PERCOLATOR – emphasises my love for coffee and the daily routine of my morning ‘cup of personality’.
- A BUGS LIFE – shows my love for nature and my fascination in life trivialities
- TEA – (it worked properly) depicted my interest in how mediums can be augmented and sounds embellished.
- TEXT – encapsulates a series of texts that resonate with my inner ethos and perception of the world.
- PHOTOGRAPHY – portrays the constant loves of mine : Seinfeld – My Girlfriend (Sandra) – My New Skateboard (A Work In Progress) – My Cat (Yoko)
– donandsherri