THU – 5th – MARCH
This was the day that the first practical for Media commenced.
The objective of this practical was to further introduce both the class and the teaching faculty for the subject, as well as to gain some familiarity with our new websites and blogs. Which you are currently reading. Right Now. (Insert appropriate ‘Inception’ music).
The session managed to progress quite rapidly, as the practical aspect ran smoothly. With only minor technical difficulties arising we managed to finish ahead of the expected scheduled 3:30pm.
This is not to say that, at times, the session felt like it was dragging on.
Due to it being the start of the new semester, all the different unions were positioned outside the building fighting over the new kids like vultures on a dead carcass to gain their loyalty for the year. This feast of new flesh was soundtracked by an array of differing pop songs that managed to repeat itself three times.. There is only so many times that a person can listen to ‘Uptown Funk’ before they start to question their own sanity, let alone notice the clock starting to move slower.
– donandsherri