I’m going to be honest and admit that I’m writing this first ever entry at 11.41pm on the night before my week two Networked Media tutorial. I realistically planned to start this a couple of hours earlier (again, I could have said days but I’m going for HONESTY) but there was a really great episode of Grey’s Anatomy on TV and I couldn’t tear myself away. It was INTENSE. I even tweeted, “The gunman episode of Grey’s Anatomy is bloody INTENSE. I can barely watch. #McSteamy #McDreamy #McDRAMA”.
Anyway, enough about that. I hope that very brief synopsis ticks the “wrote one blog post this week that was not specifically about networked media” box on the blog check list. I’m going to tick it off. So I suppose watching that Grey’s Anatomy episode was benefiting my tertiary education after all? Good.
I feel a bit overwhelmed at the rate at which Adrian updates the blog. Just as I’m wrapping my head around a particular idea and starting to deconstruct what it all means, BOOM! There’s a new post. Time to move on.
What should my blog “sign out” be? I’ve always admired people with great sign outs. Just like I admire people with highly original Twitter bios.
Peace xoxo
(I’m kidding)
I’m just going to sign out with my student number. I don’t know why. I feel like it.