Another World has definitely been my most productive time in a studio class so far. Although it coincided with perhaps the busiest time in my life, I do not regret that it was hard for me to manage my studies on top of everything else; in fact, I think it was good preparation for what life is really like. Going into the media industry I need to know that life doesn’t come at you one thing at a time; it sort of just chloroforms you in the hallway so you wake up with a million things to do at once. Writing my screenplay was a challenge that fuelled me to keep going; it was my determination to finish the story that made me keep coming back to it, even when I was exhausted. My work for this studio was written in equal parts on public transport, in bed at 3am, in class and even at work (shhhh!).
Another point of reflection that I can’t help but deliberate on is that my world building has improved dramatically. To be honest, in screenplays I have written before it has always been the world side of things that lacks in detail and often drags the rest of the plot down with it. Learning how to build a world and especially how to apply a unique internal logic to one has been immensely helpful, and I sincerely hope that my world comes across successfully in my screenplay for this studio.
Sharing ideas with my classmates has been an enlightening experience. A lot of the best parts of my screenplay come from discussions I had with my peers in which we would bounce ideas back and forth and I could gauge the response to the subject material from an outside point of view. Everyone in this class is supremely talented and I hope that I can continue working with them further!
My only issue with this studio is that it has come to an end. Many of my classmates and I were saying that we wish the second semester of this year was “part two” of another world, where we could actually bring our writing to life as short films and such.
Although I have submitted my screenplay as my final, I do believe it has a long way to go. It is very top heavy and I think readers can see where I started to get too busy to write as much as I wanted to towards the end. There are so many themes and questions to explore in the world I have created, and I don’t know if I will ever discover or answer them all! Instead of wallowing in self pity about this however, I am going to take the feedback I can get from what I have and keep working on it. Hopefully one day I can actually make it into a feature film!
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