To further my knowledge on all things world-building, I decided to use our class discussion of “what makes a world?” and apply it to one that I am very familiar with. By doing so, I aimed to develop a better understanding of each of the various components that make up the world that has captivated me for as long as I can remember- J.K Rowling’s Wizarding World of course! Here we goooooooooooo!
Cultures: magic folk, non-magic folk (muggles), squibs, magical creatures, non-magic folk that are aware of magic existing (eg. British Prime Minister circa book 6)
Political structures: Muggles, house elves and servant races are the lowest. Much alike the real world in which those with wealth and power are in charge, even if they aren’t fit to be so. Some Wizarding folk believe in blood segregation and thus pursue the idea that all politics and important roles therein should be handled solely by “pure” bloods.
Setting: English countryside (un-plottable location)
Boundaries: Magic restrictions away from Hogwarts and around Muggles, class segregation etc
Character backstory as tool for exploring limitations and responses to world: Muggle born magic folk, Squibs etc
Rules (internal logic): Limitations of magic, socio-political rules (House Elf matters)
Genre: fantasy
Incentive: power, money, fame, possession, wisdom
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