1 WEEK 2 GO – 25/05

I can’t believe it’s next week! And assessment period if smothering us all! There are a lot more little bits left to do, there are so many pieces to this puzzle, so many different bits of text, video, and audio, real world elements, drawings, printed out bits, lots and lots of layers. Today was our last real class and over the next week, we will meet one more time to take all the content we have made as individuals and merge it together in the powerpoint. Alex is so bloody good at writing content off the cuff and Sandy has seriously become a total powerpoint whiz! I think we are a good little trio.

Every week I feel like our project has grown or shifted or streamlined or changed. I must admit I love it, I love having to shift gears and work to understanding how this project is going to work totally. The mind space when you’re head deep in your laptop and making a really particular bit of video content for the project is very different to the one we’ve all had to be in when we discuss the project as a whole. It’s such a recalibration of thinking and I’m really interested in expanding my brain creatively in that way, but I’ve definitely come away from our meetings, after looking at our story maps with a headache! (But it became the back of our tarot cards so looking for a creative solution around every corner haha)

Screen Shot 2016-06-02 at 12.22.52 pm

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