Colour Grading



Colour Grading #1_1

In this picture you can see that I used more of a greenish tone throughout. I used a yellow highlight so that the building would not look very green. I wanted the green colours to pop out since it is mainly the colour in the frame. In the original picture the scene is overexposed so to slightly fix that I increased the white output level so that it will look less bright. In the rest of the images I gave the shadows a harsher and darker tone by increasing the black input level. The shadows has a better contrast than the original one. I wanted to make the shadow more obvious.

Colour Grading #1_2

In this picture I tried to give a cool look. I used mainly blue shadows, midtones and highlight. I really wanted to try a cool look so that even though the sun is shining brightly there is still this gloomy feeling. Trying this look will help me to apply to my film since I am heading towards a more blue cool look.

Colour Grading #1_3

In this picture I tried to match the colours as close as the original picture but with less exposure. I choose a warmer colour because it was a sunny day so I thought I would stick to that kind of colour tone. The colour of the building and the character hair as you can see is redder than the previous pictures. I used a red tone so that it would not look too yellow and orange due to the sunlight. It gives a more even and warmer look.

Colour Grading #2_Original


Colour Grading #2_1

In this picture I gave a red tone throughout. I wanted the colour of the red bricks wall to pop up. I increased the master saturation even more so that the colour of the bricks will be more red. In making the colour of the bricks to pop up I increased the black input level and decreased the white output level. As you can see the window glass on the left is darker and define unlike the original picture. The surrounding is darker than before.

 Colour Grading #2_2

In this picture I really wanted to give a gloomier look and not make it obvious that it was such a sunny day. I used a blue-green tone. The whole look blue however, the yellow window pane has a tint of green. I increased every part of the saturation; master, shadow, midtone and highlight to give this dark and gloomy look. I then increased the black and white output level to reduce the brightness.

Colour Grading #2_3

In this picture I gave a balance of warm and cool look. I used a blue tone however, I did not decrease the white output level so the brightness remains the same. I feel that the blue feel is more on the top and below is more of a warmer look because the pavement is lighted up brightly than the previous pictures.

Colur Grading #3_Original


Colur Grading #3_1

It was a harder to colour grade night scenes because I can’t seem to see the obvious change unlike the other scenes I did. In this picture I played around with the contrast and brightness. I gave a more high definition look by balancing the input and output levels. I make it brighter so that the whole scene will look clearer. I increased the level of the saturation so that all the colours will look more intense.

Colur Grading #3_2

In this picture I continued trying on the cool look. The cool blue feel gave a softer look. I did not give a strong blue tone but a more mild blue tone since it was a night thus I felt that it should be a softer feeling.

Colur Grading #3_3

In this picture I played with the blue green tone again. I decreased the white output level which gives a brighter look however since this is a dark scene the brightness becomes a layer of white sheet. This layer of white sheet gives a hazy look. It gives a different feeling unlike the rest of the pictures. It somehow foreshadows that something bad is going to happen as the character walks into the dark alley.


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