Mini Research Project #2

“The arrival of the bus shook her back to reality. The bus conductor call out for her asking if she is taking this last bus. Sarah stands up and carry her heavy bag.”

The picture above is a tram stop. I am still not familiar with Melbourne so this is the closest picture that I have. In my short story post the scene is at a bus stop. The picture that I took have the same feel of what my story is about. The bus stop scene would be an area where it is quiet, far from the city and it will be late at night. Linking the picture and my short story, the street lamps shining brightly in an empty open area helps to emphasise how empty the road and area is. It was a coincidence that it rained beforehand so the reflection of the lights is brighter. Since it has rained I feel that it is not a bad idea for it to rain because the emotion you feel after the rain has stopped and then you have the character feeling all alone at the bus stop. It helps to develop the emotions in the story. The after feelings of the rain makes the character and audience feel the cold empty feeling especially in this winter weather. Even if the weather is not like this without the rain it can still convey the same emotion of emptiness however, with the street lamps to be a bit dim so it will be darker. The darkness evokes more of how the area will sound; silence. It deafened and drowns the emotions you feel. This tram stop is located not far away from the city and there are shops around it. It was in Moonee Ponds area. Supposedly, in my story the bus stop would be away from the city and anything convenient. This location still have its potential because this scene would take place late at night when there is no one and all the shops are closed. The character would still be helpless. I feel that it will be easy to find a location for my story. It can be a bus stop or a tram stop. Maybe knowing the last timing of each service will help me narrow down the preferred choice since there is a scene between the conductor and the main character. The location should be quiet, no one around, no shops surrounding it and late at night. I would also prefer that the lighting would be darker so having two street lamps in between the bus stop would be ideal. This will help to build the character emotions and through what the audience can see they can feel what the character is feeling too.

I choose to take a picture representing the end of the short story because I feel that is the turning point of the character decision. It is either she takes the last service or continue walking. The ending is not definite. I am giving a little suspense to what the character is thinking. Her decision is decided at this bus/tram stop. I find it important to have this location in my story.


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