Rise Of New Media Makers

Platforms such as Youtube, Instagram, Facebook and etc are easily accessible to anyone. Anyone with an access to the internet can easily use such platforms to upload any content they feel like. There are also rising artists through such platforms. Also, these platforms are free thus the rise of new media makers. The other reason why there is a rise of new media makers is that you become your own boss with full control of the content you want to do. Some of the new media makers feel comfortable talking in front of the camera rather than in real life. These platforms also help to interact with anyone from around the world. These new media makers thus gain more audience and fans.

However, there is also an issue to those who are not tech-savy especially those in the third world country. They have no idea what is going on and if they were put in a situation with a high-tech phone they may not know how to use it. As much as technology reaches almost everyone, there is an issue to those who do not have any access to technology and how will they cope.



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