March 6

TIME TO REFLECT – Lectorial 1

I was quite excited to attend my first lectorial and was impressed with all the new facilities and equipment within the room. Gone are the days of a blackboard and chalk. I was quite intrigued at the music playing during intervals. I’ve never experience anything quite like that and found it a bit odd at first. But after a while it was kind of soothing and made me feel more relaxed.

The article on Hyper and Deep Attention was an interesting read. I would consider myself more effective at deep attention, which made me reflect on whether this is due to my age. I really don’t like multitasking and like to take my time on getting things done properly, one task at a time. There is nothing more agitating to me than people who constantly check on their smart phones during conversation. Whether this is a problem with people who have hyper attention is up for debate. But from my observations I find this tends to happen a lot more with the younger generation. Maybe I’m becoming just another grumpy old fart.

I’m the type of learner that enjoys having interaction with a class rather than listening to a teacher ramble on for too long. I find that I tend to lose concentration if a topic is being discussed that doesn’t really interest me. I also like doing activities in collaboration with other students. I also find getting feedback on my projects is a great and informative learning tool.

The most challenging aspect of this course will be trying to get the best marks possible in all my subjects. I have to believe in myself that I have the ability to excel in my chosen profession that leads to a successful career.   My dream is to write or help produce a successful television series that keeps the audience hooked and entertained.


Posted March 6, 2015 by niklasgreasby in category Uncategorized

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