When did you start creating art?
Where do you find your inspiration for creating?
What is your background (art related)?
What is your background (personal)?
Describe a real life situation that has inspired you?
Who are some key people that have inspired your work (people, artist, designers)?
What are some of the biggest challenges you face as an artist?
What are your strengths as an artist?
What is your weaknesses as an artist?
What themes do you pursue?
What jobs have you worked in the past?
What is your dream project?
Talk through one of your works – what process did you undergo – what it is trying to achieve?
Whats the best piece of advice you have been given as an artist?
What is your biggest artistic failure?
Where do you see your art in 5 years?
What mediums do you use in your art?
Where have you exhibited – What was it like?
Info that you think is worth us hearing about?