Questions to get us going

This week I begun to get a move on with project CAT. I drafted up some questions that I think are going to get us on a good track.

While writing these question I kept in mind what could be transferrable for different artist or designers, so they do seem a little broad and all encompassing.

What I want to do is send this initial interview off and ask Cat to fill in out. This allows me to look over the questions and see what I can really get out of them. As Cat’s time is scarce it really does give me a chance to make the most use of her time and mine. I will be able to flesh out the nitty gritty details and somewhat form a plan of attack, instead of going in blind.



When did you start creating art?
Where do you find your inspiration for creating?
What is your background (art related)?
What is your background (personal)?
Describe a real life situation that has inspired you?
Who are some key people that have inspired your work (people, artist, designers)?
What are some of the biggest challenges you face as an artist?
What jobs have you worked in the past?
What is your dream project?
Whats the best piece of advice you have been given as an artist?
Talk through one of your works – what process did you undergo – what it is trying to achieve?


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