Presenting a project is always a little nerve wracking, and in Wednesdays class I had to face the hurdle again.
This time we approached presenting in the conventional way unlike with Project 1. It was fascinating viewing everyone else’s work first as it gave me chance to see how very different everyone approached the brief. Most students took a more conceptual approach which was interesting as in first semester more of the students took a more literal approach.
It was clear which students were in second year through their advanced skills in editing, developing ideas and executing them. Even for the first years like me it was clear, especially when looking back to last semester that our skills had highly improved. Many of us have a basic understanding of editing software, we are exploring our creativity further and learning how to better execute our ideas.
For me, Although I have great room for improvement I feel that my editing skills have highly improved. In creating this clip I took half the time I did last semester as now I have become familiar with the editing software and can execute my plan much quicker.
Having second years in our class made the feedback stronger than before. Students who have been in the same position and gone through similar learning experiences were able to give us feedback on how we can improve our work for the future.
My feedback for Project 2 was focused mainly on my editing skills…
-The way the pace of the film went from fast to slow really worked in my favour.
-They liked the way I chose to put my clip in black and white created a ‘spooky feel’ which kept them watching and waiting.
-The dynamics in movement added a feel of liveness
-My ending scene was strong in portraying my theme as well as tying up the film.
One part that was questioned was the fastness while ‘climbing up the stairs’. It could have been done slower but the fact that it was fast allowed me to add lots of information within and accurately represent the reflection of the building.
Taking this feedback on board will really help me in advancing my skills and taking a step to look at my work before deeming the work complete.