In Monday’s workshop we had a viewing of all of our two-minute portraits.
This time I was actually looking forward to showing my work. As I had worked so hard on learning the process of editing I felt slightly more comfortable with what I had produced. During this viewing it was clear that everyone had improved with their skills in editing as well as film portraits.
After showing all of our films we discussed and gave feedback on the work we had produced using the coloured hat method
Yellow hat: positive optimistic something that worked well
Red Hat: gut feeling initial reaction
Black Hat: something that didn’t work
Green Hat: another idea you got from the work-an alternative
Yellow Hat: My group really liked the way I had edit my sequence of clips, as well as the framing of my shots.
Red Hat: There had been improvement from my last portrait.
Black Hat: There wasn’t enough of her artwork included
Green Hat: It would have been nice to see more of her work rather than the quick flashes of them in between clips.