In Mondays workshop we were given the opportunity to see each students media self portrait 2.0 … mine included.
This was tremendously nerve racking having to show something personal that you spent so much time and effort on. Though it was challenging, it had to be done and the class gave feedback that was much more constructive than I was expecting.
By sharing my work I was able to receive the much needed feedback to improve my next project. As this was my first real edited clip, (besides my previous piece of work focusing on colour and shape) there were some aspects in need of improvement.
This workshop also gave me the opportunity to gain some insight into how different people work. Although we had the same theme of a ‘self portrait’ everyones clip was so different. After each clip the person who made it would reflect upon in and point out the strengths and weaknesses. Then the rest of the class would also contribute their own critical feedback. This worked in a similar way to our previous feedback class, in the way that we all gave a different point of view.
The benefit to this way of sharing and reflecting is that we are able to improve on our own work through the feedback of many. At the same time, these clips act as inspiration and fuels new ideas for all of our future works.
Things I need to take away from Mondays workshop:
-Work on editing sound with the clip. Make it transition smoothly.
-Ensure that each of my clips are not dragged out too far.(This can be overcome with putting a clip in fast motion.)
-Challenge myself to push the boundaries of my creativity.
-Don’t fear failure.