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Technical Skills: In regards to my technical skills throughout the semester I think that area is where I learnt the most. I already had experience in that area with other programs, editing, recording, etc but not with Premiere. I only know a fraction of the functions and buttons that are available but during the rest of the course I’m hoping I’ll be a perfectionist. Editing is one of my favourite things to do so that’s probably why I was most interested in that area.

Conceptual Skills: Looking at the development and progress of my conceptual skills over the semester I wouldn’t say they are the best. I didn’t have much knowledge regarding media theory-wise. I had done research in past courses, so I know what academic readings and research is, but I hadn’t done any surrounding media. The concept of audiences, narrative, industries, etc I knew what they were but not on an academic level. Throughout the semester I did gain more knowledge, however, I didn’t put as much effort in to it as I should have.

Professional Skills: When looking at my professional skills I think at the start I had had a fair amount of experience in that area. Working in groups, collaboration and roles were familiar to me, but I learnt a lot in this area. Feedback was one the things that I really had to work on. I hadn’t done peer related feedback before in class so it was quite strange for me. Taking the feedback and improving on those areas helped a lot. My work ethic wasn’t exactly at the standard it should be. I put the most work into the parts I liked and the group work. I guess it’s because people are relying on you to get things done.

Practice Skills: From previous experience I was already familiar with engaging with media environments on a daily basis. Using Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and having my own YouTube channels allows me to interact with so many people every day so none of that was new to me. My passion definitely became a lot clearer throughout the semester. I definitely know I want to be involved in the film industry. Yes, I’ve always loved film but I’ve never been 100% certain if I did professionally. I loved everything I learnt in Cinema Studies, I looked forward to every week and being able to talk about films, I could do it all day. I would’t say that I only learn at uni, there are so many other ways I do in my every day life.

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