Editing 1 | Sacred Place

Our video editing went really well. We all seemed to be on the same page which made it a lot more efficient. On our first day of editing we found that parts of our footage weren’t really reflecting the questions we wanted to answer, so we found ourselves altering the questions to make more sense. It was very much needed or else nothing would have worked and would make things more confusing.

Question 1

Before: How does time of day play a part in how people interact with their sacred place?

After: How does an intersection create a sense of community?

      No it doesn’t. Even though the park is meant to be a communal space, we didn’t observe much physical interaction.

      We found no difference in time of day in what people were doing. The footage over the three hours was essentially the same. 

Question 2

Before: How does one person’s perspective and interpretation change from another’s when viewing the same space from a different position?

After: What is the importance of looking at a certain space past the basis of what we initially observe it to be?

      Taking away interpretation. It’s more about how we observe space and our level of selfishness in what we observe and notice.

      Through different angles, looking at it’s purpose and the finer detail

Question 3

Before: How does physical interaction with a place impact its emotional connection and level of sacredness?

After: How do people use a shared space and make it sacred in their own way?

   Observing people in their natural environment and how they use space differently

   Works better with the footage of the skate park and people reading/sitting in their natural environment.

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