Media, place and time

1 December 2011 – March 2023

July 2011

This photo was taken when I was 13 on tour with my choir in Konïgssee Germany—we were a week or two into our trip. I remember having the best day, I had made new friends on the tour and we were becoming close very quickly. This was originally posted on the choir website and I wanted it in my Facebook album because of how happy it made me. I knew we were likely joking and being silly with each other. The one thing I didn’t like about the trip was that the weather could be quite cool, it wasn’t raining at least. We were in front of the Konïgssee lake most of the day which was idyllic. This photo is weird to look back on because we aren’t close anymore. We are all adults with our own lives and this part of our lives is over. I still look at this fondly but it feels like a really long time ago now when we were all so little.

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