ASSESSMENT #4: Week 9 Reflection


This week was highly productive for our project. By Monday’s class, Lewis had already completed the first draft of the script. Although I had initially been slightly nervous about not having a significant role in writing, Lewis’ draft was so exceptional that none of us had any notes at all. He captured the essence of the characters exceptionally, and his humour aligned perfectly with the story and our collective vision. Zach and I spent the rest of the week polishing the script and filling in any blanks to get a solid draft ready for presentation in class next week.

We are also contemplating potentially merging the two episodes we had planned into one short. However, we still plan to separate it stylistically, similar to the episode of Brass Eye we watched in class. This could be easier to achieve with the time we have left while maintaining the comedic and structural elements we want.

As for location scouting, Yusuf took on the responsibility of contacting the RMITV studios to possibly book them for our filming. This location is ideal for us since our short is set on the set of a sitcom, and the TV studios have the perfect look to make our setting believable. We have coordinated our schedules and finalized filming dates in week 11, leaving us a good amount of time to edit.

Casting has also been a key focus this week. Chloe has friends who are comedy students at Collarts, although some have been difficult to contact. We have decided to cast them, alongside some of our friends who also study media, to ensure we have a reliable cast.

I volunteered to create some quick slides for our work-in-progress presentation on Monday to engage better with our class. I also included some parts from the character profiles to give our audience a quick glimpse of the characters and their personalities before we had a table read of our script.

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