A Human is capable of far more than most people know, here is a few simple examples yet life changing steps.
Lucid Dreaming,
Lucid dreaming is unleashing your mind and being able to control your dreams, especially if you think a day is just too short. Imagine having the possibility to control your dreams, in any way. Think about your dreams, what is happening in them, now add the part where you get to do whatever you want in those dreams and are conscious. This consists in letting your body fall asleep but your mind is still awake. This means your dreaming time is time you can spend to think, fly or just make your wildest wishes come true.
The Rubber Band.
The rubber band technique is a perfect method to rid yourself of negative thoughts. It’s simple, put a rubber band around your wrist and snap it against yourself every time negative thoughts come to your mind.
This will eliminate negative thoughts from passing through your mind, without you realizing it!
Sleep Less!
Look at it this way, you have 3 stages of sleep, Transition to sleep, Light sleep and Deep sleep. Transition to sleep and light sleep are a waste of time. I am not saying sleep 3 hours a night, but your body had a biological clock and if you work out in between which hours you are in deep sleep then that is all you will need. To master this you must remove 20 minutes off your sleep cycle every night, the experience will be terrible until you find your perfect sleep time. However, when you do find this time, you will be able to sleep a lot less.