Narcissism, selfies, and contemporary network media….When taking selfies in Trinidad, it's what's on the outside that matters | Jolynna Sinanan | Comment is free |
Month: September 2014
Trust Networks
Quick dirty one. In reply to a recent email about ‘trust networks’:
where they discuss trust in a specific way in that section
complicated but a table in there is useful
discusses trust
the readings are able to move into network stuff so some of the above material will begin to make more sense *after* we move into the next readings….
Reading 07
Apologies, I had thought these readings were online before I went to London for a conference. (Ah, they were but there was a tag problem so looks like they didn’t appear under the reading heading. So you might have found them, you might not have. Treat the Shields addition below as very useful and important….)
But they weren’t, so here they are. The first two, which are from the same book, are a poor quality PDF scan, apologies for that. The third, from Shields, is not about digital media (it’s from a book that is about what we would call ‘creative nonfiction’) but what he writes about collage and nonfiction and story is very useful in relation to the broader conversations that have been happening around story, linearity and so on. The Shield’s book has been very influential, and note that it is an essay, but not as we usually think of an essay, and is also a demonstration of how you can write critically (making an evidence based argument) outside of the very conservative form of the ‘traditional’ essay – a form that is poor for thought, and good for proving what you already know (which I would have thought is the opposite of research, and learning).
Key Readings
Murphie, Andrew, and John Potts. Culture and Technology. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Print. ‘Theoretical Frameworks’ extract (PDF)
Shields, David. Reality Hunger: A Manifesto. New York: Vintage, 2011. Print. “Collage” extract, (PDF)
Secondary Reading
Murphie, Andrew, and John Potts. Culture and Technology. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Print. ‘Introduction’ extract (PDF)
Symposium 6 Questions
- Which is more important in making a great book, form or content?
- Without a conventional narrative structure, how much control does an author lose?