Television Expectations (Week 3)

In order for material to be distributed and prevail on television as opposed to online video, it has to meet certain expectations of quality. I am referring to the narrative (or non-narrative) qualities, which have to be succinct and accomplished in order to reach the criteria required. A succinct narrative or non-narrative is tightly edited and well structured. This correlates with the aspects considered emblematic of television in a general sense. For example, television media has to be succinct to create a duration suitable for broadcast space, advertisements have to be succinct for advertisement space, as well as being well structured to entertain the masses.

Upon reflection, my thoughts were premised purely around content that is distributed on popular public broadcasted television channels as opposed to cable television channels. Meaning that more specifically broadcast television has to be of well structured, succinct quality in order to entertain the masses.

Shows are produced for television when they entertain a wide demographic demonstrating the best form of media that television and online have to offer. However, they only survive if they are well produced and retain that originality it possessed when it was first broadcasted. Television success is more sustainable than online success because the online world is infinite and much less restricted than television, meaning something popular can be replaced online instantaneously. Also, generally speaking the aim of online shows is to make it on to television, this indicates that TV is of more superior quality in order to retain its position and survive the vast amount of content in competition. TV is also almost exclusively the distribution platform for news and coverage of events. This demonstrates its importance and empowers TV as something that is generally well made. Finally, although completely generation specific, Television may have a longer and more founded emotional connection with viewers due to its influence on our childhood and the family environment. For this reason as well, viewers will expect certain quality.

I think that an online show’s arrival to television, generally brings with it an improvement of quality and refinement. Whether that be a symptom of increased profit or not, it still helps us to inch forward slightly on the path toward defining online video, as the majority of online video is distinguishable from television in general through this expectation of quality.

Interestingly, since the elderly are the largest demographic of Television watchers, whilst in contrast, the least likely to engage with online video. As time goes on, online video is engaged with more and more. I think that cable television, with it’s narrower audience, has lessened expectation of quality and therefore forms the bridge between broadcast television and online video. In 20 years will the shift in quality have evolved in the opposite direction bringing television to a near extinction with online video being the top of the media chain?

Subsequently, defining online video is a arduous thought to articulate as it is riddled with contractions because of its vast and evolving nature. However, its rawness and accessibility is its most redeeming quality, giving everyone an entrance to the media world; an opportunity that would not be afforded in the exclusivity of the television stations.


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