This project has grown a long way since its inception at the beginning of the semester. From a fledgling idea, to posters being put up around campus, to live tweeting @QANDA, we have thrown ourselves into these characters and brought them to life. The time spent immersing ourselves into the narrative that we have created and developing every aspect of the plot, as well as each artefact across multiple platforms has been challenging, intriguing and unpredictable, to say the least.
Jeff Shroud was born as an antagonist who hated the very institution of university, and wanted to change the current way of life of the tertiary student. Throughout this campaign we have experienced many genuine reactions to our content that has been displayed publicly for our peers and outside onlookers to engage with. We garnered some responses that we could foresee, but some people surprised us with some really creative and thought-out commentaries. Our goal for this project was to attract the eye of students who might be interested in the discourse that we discussed through our two feuding parties, and I believe this was achieved within the closed group of RMIT attendees and teaching staff.