What did you do well?
I have always been active in class discussions to further my learning and knowledge about the subject and korsakow. In my spare time I have kept up with the integrated media blog and all the posts that have guided my learning throughout the course of the semester. I also completed all of the required sketch film tasks on time and was able to produce a sketch k-film to showcase my work. In my group task I have been an effective and contributing member and have liaised with my group several times both inside and outside of class time about our project and helped to make decisions about content and direction of our film.
What have you learnt to do better?
I have a much deeper understanding of korsakow now and the process to go through when making a k-film. I have also learnt to keep up to date on a weekly basis by checking the blog and attending class to gain a better knowledge of each week’s subject matter. This has also helped me with the group project by being organised on a weekly basis and sharing thoughts and ideas with my group at regular meetings and online.
What could you have learnt to do better?
I needed to manage my time better and perhaps write more of my own blog posts about the course content and other subject-related matter. I also could have attended more of the lectures to help myself understand and fully grasp the course and each week’s different topics and tasks. I did a few of the readings but I could have completed more, and then analyse and respond to them on my blog. I didn’t take it upon myself to actively use and make korsakow projects to advance my experience with the program and how it works.